Computation of the sum of prime numbers in different languages


Benjamin Bourbon


January 20, 2023


The project allows to see the difference of speed of program’s execution between multiple languages with one algorithm which computes the sum of prime numbers. Also, the goal is to use native libraries for each language.

Here is the source of the algorithm


import math
from time import perf_counter

def chrono(function):
    def inner(*args):
        start = perf_counter()
        result = function(*args)
        duration = perf_counter() - start
        print("%0.3f x 10e(-3) seconds" % (duration * 1_000))
        return result

    return inner

# @chrono
def P10(n):
    r = int(n ** 0.5)
    assert r * r <= n and (r + 1) ** 2 > n
    V = [n // i for i in range(1, r + 1)]
    V += list(range(V[-1] - 1, 0, -1))
    S = {i: i * (i + 1) // 2 - 1 for i in V}
    for p in range(2, r + 1):
        if S[p] > S[p - 1]:  # p is prime
            sp = S[p - 1]  # sum of primes smaller than p
            p2 = p * p
            for v in V:
                if v < p2:
                S[v] -= p * (S[v // p] - sp)
    return S[n]

def _format(dist, value):
    return value + " " * (dist - len(value))

print("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat")
for i in range(1, 9):
    start = perf_counter()
    result = P10(10 ** i)
    duration = int((perf_counter() - start) * 1_000_000)
    print(_format(5, str(i)) + " | " + _format(9, str(duration)) + " | " + str(result))
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Instant;

type Dict = HashMap<u64, u128>;

fn get_keys(n: u64, half_size: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
    // Calculation of keys used in the HashMap
    let mut v: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..half_size + 1 {
        v.push(n / (i + 1));
    let v_max = v[half_size as usize];
    for i in (1..v_max).rev() {

fn get_sums(keys: &[u64]) -> Dict {
    // Initialisation du hashmap
    let mut hmap = HashMap::new();
    for key in keys.iter() {
        let big_key = *key as u128;
        let value = (big_key * (big_key + 1)) / 2 - 1;
        hmap.insert(*key, value);

fn calculate_sums(mut hmap: Dict, keys: &[u64], square_n: u64) -> Dict {
    for p in 2..square_n + 1 {
        let current_sum = hmap[&(p - 1)];
        if hmap[&p] > current_sum {
            let p_square = p * p;
            for key in keys.iter() {
                if *key < p_square {
                let new_value = hmap[&key] - (p as u128) * (hmap[&(key / p)] - current_sum);
                hmap.insert(*key, new_value);

fn primes(n: u64) -> u128 {
    let square_n = (n as f64).sqrt() as u64;
    assert!(square_n * square_n <= n && (square_n + 1).pow(2) > n);
    let half_size = square_n - 1;
    let keys = get_keys(n, half_size);
    let p_keys = &keys;
    let mut all_sums = get_sums(p_keys);
    all_sums = calculate_sums(all_sums, p_keys, square_n);

fn format(dist: usize, value: &String) -> String {
    let mut v: String = value.to_string();
    for _ in 1..(dist - (*value).len()) {
        v += &" ";
    return v;

fn main() {
    println!("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat");
    for i in 1..9 {
        let now = Instant::now();
        let n: u64 = (10_u64).pow(i);
        let value: u128 = primes(n);
        let new_now = Instant::now();
            "{} | {} | {}",
            format(6, &(i.to_string())),
            format(10, &(new_now.duration_since(now).as_micros().to_string())),
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std;

typedef unordered_map<long, long long> umap;

void generate_key_array(long long key_array[], long long n, long half_size){
  // generation of a key array which serves for the dictionary all_sums
  long long value;

  for(long index = 0; index <= half_size+1; index++){
    value = (long long) n / (index + 1);
    key_array[index] = value;

  for(long index = half_size + 1; index < 2 * half_size + 1; index++){
    value = key_array[index - 1] - 1;
    key_array[index] = value;

void generate_all_sums(umap& all_sums, long long key_array[], long size){
  // generation of dictionary all_sums
  long long value;

  for(long index = 0; index < size; index++){
    value = key_array[index];
    // storing sum of numbers for 1 to key
    all_sums[value] = ((long long) (value*(value + 1))/2) - 1;

void calculate_new_sums(umap& all_sums, long long key_array[], long long square_root){
  // core of the program for calculate the sum of prime numbers
  long long current_sum;
  long long p_square;
  long index;
  long long key;
  long long second_key;

  for(long p = 2; p <= square_root; p++){
    current_sum = all_sums[p - 1];
    if(all_sums[p] > current_sum){ //if p is prime
      p_square = p * p;
      index = 0;
      key = key_array[index];

      // while the key is lower than p * p
      while(key >= p_square){
        second_key = key / p;
        // updating the sum of the key 'key'
        all_sums[key] -= p * (all_sums[second_key] - current_sum);
        key = key_array[index];

long long P10(long long n){
  long long square_root = (long long) sqrt(n);
  //check if the program will work
  assert ((square_root*square_root <= n) && ((square_root + 1) * (square_root + 1) > n));

  long long final_sum;
  long half_size = square_root - 1;

  long long* key_array = new long long [half_size * 2 + 1];
  generate_key_array(key_array, n, half_size);

  long size = 2 * half_size + 1;
  // dictionary of sums
  umap all_sums;
  generate_all_sums(all_sums, key_array, size);
  calculate_new_sums(all_sums, key_array, square_root);

  final_sum = all_sums[n];
  delete key_array;

  return final_sum;

string format(int dist, string value){
  string hole = "";
  for(int _=0; _<=(dist-(int)(value).size()); _++){
    hole+=" ";
  return value + hole;

int main(){
  // Goal: 100 000 000 000
  // Awaited result: 201 467 077 743 744 681 014
  auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
  long long value;
  cout << "Power | Time (µs) | Result" << endl;
  cout << "========================================" << endl;
  for(int i=1; i<=8; i++){
    // cout << "Power: " << i << endl;
    value = P10(pow(10,i));
    auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start);
    // cout << value << endl;
    // cout << "Time taken by function: " << duration.count() << " x 10e(-3) seconds" << endl;
    cout << format(4, std::to_string(i)) << " | " << format(8, to_string(duration.count())) << " | " << value << endl;
  return 0;
defmodule Primes do
  @spec sqrt(integer) :: integer
  defp sqrt(n) do

  @spec head_keys(integer, integer) :: [integer]
  defp head_keys(n, root_n) do
    1..(root_n + 1)
    |>, &1))

  @spec tail_keys(integer, integer) :: [integer]
  defp tail_keys(n, root_n) do
    Enum.to_list(div(n, root_n)..1)

  @spec generate_keys(integer, integer) :: [integer]
  defp generate_keys(n, root_n) do
    head_keys(n, root_n) ++ tail_keys(n, root_n)

  @spec n_sums(integer) :: {integer}
  defp n_sums(i) do
    {i, div(i * (i + 1), 2) - 1}

  @spec generate_sums([integer]) :: %{integer => integer}
  defp generate_sums(keys) do
    Enum.into(keys, %{}, &n_sums(&1))

  @spec small(integer, %{integer => integer}, integer, integer) :: {integer}
  defp small(v, dict, p, sp) do
    {v, dict[v] - p * (dict[div(v, p)] - sp)}

  @spec calculate(%{integer => integer}, [integer], integer, integer) :: %{integer => integer}
  defp calculate(sums, keys, p, limit) when p < limit do
    sum_p = sums[p - 1]

    if sums[p] > sum_p do
      Enum.take_while(keys, &(&1 >= p * p))
      |> Enum.into(%{}, &small(&1, sums, p, sum_p))
      |> (&Map.merge(sums, &1)).()
      |> calculate(keys, p + 1, limit)
      calculate(sums, keys, p + 1, limit)

  @spec calculate(%{integer => integer}, [integer], integer, integer) :: %{integer => integer}
  defp calculate(sums, _, p, limit) when p >= limit do

  @spec sum_up_to(integer) :: integer
  def sum_up_to(n) do
    root_n = sqrt(n)
    keys = generate_keys(n, root_n)
    sums = generate_sums(keys)
    calculate(sums, keys, 2, root_n + 1)[n]

  @spec measure(function) :: integer
  def measure(function) do
    |> elem(0)
    # divide by 1_000 for milliseconds
    |> Kernel./(1)

defmodule Formatter do
  @spec add_space(integer, charlist) :: charlist
  defp add_space(0, string) do

  @spec add_space(integer, charlist) :: charlist
  defp add_space(i, string) do
    add_space(i - 1, string <> " ")

  @spec format(integer, integer) :: charlist
  defp format(dist, value) do
    string_v = "#{value}"
    add_space(dist - String.length(string_v), string_v)

  @spec format_all(integer, integer, integer) :: nil
  def format_all(power, time, value) do
    IO.puts("#{format(5, power)} | #{format(9, time)} | #{value}")

IO.puts("Power | Time (µs) | Result")


|> exp ->
  f = Primes.measure(fn -> Primes.sum_up_to(:math.pow(10, exp) |> round) end)
  Formatter.format_all(exp, f |> round, Primes.sum_up_to(:math.pow(10, exp) |> round))
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.Math;

public class Main{

    static Vector<Integer> get_keys(Integer n, Integer half_size){
        Vector<Integer> V = new Vector<>();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < half_size; i++){
            V.add(n / (i + 1));
        Integer vmax = V.get(V.size() - 1) - 1;
        for (Integer i = vmax; i > 0; i--){
        return V;

    static HashMap<Integer, Long> get_sums(Vector<Integer> keys){
        HashMap<Integer, Long> hmap = new HashMap<>();
        for (int key: keys){
            long big_key = key;
            long value = (big_key * (big_key + 1)) / 2 - 1;
            hmap.put(key, value);
        return hmap;

    static HashMap<Integer, Long> calculate_sums(HashMap<Integer, Long> hmap, Vector<Integer> keys, int square_n){
        for (Integer p = 2; p < square_n + 1; p++){
            long current_sum = hmap.get(p - 1);
            if (hmap.get(p) > current_sum){
                long p_square = p * p;
                for (int key: keys){
                    if (key < p_square){
                    long new_value = hmap.get(key) - (long)p * (hmap.get(key / p) - current_sum);
                    hmap.put(key, new_value);
        return hmap;

    static long primes(int n){
        int square_n = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
        assert square_n * square_n <= n && (square_n + 1) * (square_n + 1) > n;
        int half_size = square_n - 1;
        Vector<Integer> keys = Main.get_keys(n, half_size);
        HashMap<Integer, Long> all_sums = Main.get_sums(keys);
        all_sums = Main.calculate_sums(all_sums, keys, square_n);
        return all_sums.get(n);

    static String format(int dist, String value){
        return value + " ".repeat(dist - value.length());

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Main App = new Main();
        System.out.println("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat");
        for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++){
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            long result = primes((int) Math.pow(10, i));
            long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000;
                Main.format(5, String.valueOf(i)) + " | " +
                Main.format(9, String.valueOf(duration)) + " | " +
function P10(n)
    r = math.floor(n^0.5)
    assert(r * r <= n and (r + 1)^2 > n)
    V = {}
    for i = 1, r + 1, 1 do
        table.insert(V, n // i)
    for i = V[#V] - 1, 1, -1 do
        table.insert(V, i)
    S = {}
    for _, i in ipairs(V) do
        S[i] = i * (i + 1) // 2 - 1
    for p = 2, r, 1 do
        if S[p] > S[p - 1] then
            sp = S[p - 1]
            p2 = p * p
            for _, v in ipairs(V) do
                if v < p2 then
                S[v] = S[v] - p * (S[v // p] - sp)
    return S[n]

function format(dist, value)
    return value .. string.rep(" ", (dist - string.len(value)))

print("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat")
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
    start = os.clock()
    result = P10(math.floor(10^i))
    duration = math.floor((os.clock() - start) * 10^6)
    print(format(5, tostring(i)) .. " | " .. format(9, tostring(duration)) .. " | " .. tostring(result))
const {performance} = require("perf_hooks");

function P10(n){
    var r = Math.floor(n ** 0.5);
    console.assert(r * r <= n && Math.pow(r + 1, 2) > n);
    var V = [];
    for (let i = 1; i < r + 1; i++){
        V.push(Math.floor(n / i));
    for (let i = V[V.length - 1] - 1; i > 0; i--){
    var S = V.reduce((S, i) => {
        S[i] = Math.floor(i * (i + 1) / 2) - 1
        return S;
    }, {});
    var length = V.length;
    for (let p = 2; p < r + 1; p++){
        if (S[p] > S[p - 1]) {
            var sp = S[p - 1];
            var p2 = p * p;
            for (let index = 0; index < length; index++){
                let v = V[index];
                if (v < p2){
                S[v] -= p * (S[Math.floor(v / p)] - sp);
    return S[n];

function format(dist, value){
    return value + " ".repeat(dist - value.length)

console.log("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat")
for (let i=1; i<9; i++){
    var start =;
    var result = P10(Math.floor(Math.pow(10, i)));
    var duration = Math.floor(( - start) * 1_000);
    console.log(format(5, String(i)) + " | " + format(9, String(duration)) + " | " + String(result));
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.immutable.Vector
import scala.math.sqrt
import scala.math.pow
import scala.math.BigInt

def get_keys(n: Long, half_size:Long): Vector[Long] =
  var v = Vector.range(0L, half_size + 1L).map(i => n / (i + 1))
  val vmax = v(half_size.asInstanceOf[Int])
  v ++ Vector.range(1L, vmax).reverse

def get_sums(keys: Vector[Long]) : HashMap[Long, BigInt] =
  var hmap = HashMap.empty[Long, BigInt]
  for key <- keys do
    val k = BigInt(key)
    val value = (k * (k + 1)) / 2 - 1
    hmap.put(key, value)

def calculate_sums(hmap: HashMap[Long, BigInt], keys: Vector[Long], square_n: Long): HashMap[Long, BigInt] =
  var cmap = hmap.clone()
  for p <- (2L to square_n) do
    val current_sum = cmap(p - 1)
    if (cmap(p) > current_sum) {
      val p_square = p * p
      for key <- keys.takeWhile(p => p >= p_square) do
        val new_value = cmap(key) - p * (cmap(key / p) - current_sum)
        cmap.update(key, new_value)

def primes(n: Long): BigInt =
  val square_n = sqrt(n.asInstanceOf[Float]).asInstanceOf[Long]
  val half_size = square_n - 1
  val keys = get_keys(n, half_size)
  var all_sums = get_sums(keys)
  all_sums = calculate_sums(all_sums, keys, square_n)

def add_space(i:Int, string:String) : String =
  if (i == 0){
    return string
  } else {
    return add_space(i - 1, string.concat(" "))

def format(dist:Int, string: String): String =
  add_space(dist - string.length(), string)

@main def main() =
  val result = primes(10)
  println("Power | Time (µs) | Resultat")
  for power <- (1 to 8) do
    val start = System.nanoTime
    val n = pow(10.0, power.asInstanceOf[Double]).asInstanceOf[Long]
    val result = primes(n)
    val duration = ((System.nanoTime - start) / 1e3d).asInstanceOf[Int]
    println(s"${format(5, s"$power")} | ${format(9, s"$duration")} | $result")


The first graph is the execution time (in \(\mu s\)) given the power of \(10^x\). The second graph is the execution time (in \(\log(\mu s)\)) after the application of the logarithm function given the power of \(10^x\). You can interact with the legend (for instance, click on elixir).


The idea comes from the challenge Euler problem n°245 where one part of the problem involves to compute the sum of prime numbers up to \(10^{11}\).

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